with poet/singer - songwriter

Emma Zeck

underneath all of your trauma and personal history…

beyond the smallness you have felt and

the ways you have silenced yourself…

there is a warrior woman full of power, vocal strength and courage that is aching to emerge. her vocal cords are wild and free and alive.

in ROAR, I teach you how to remember.

for the woman who wants to sing but feels silenced

for the woman who feels like her voice is blocked

for the woman who wants to sing but feels like she can’t

for the woman who wants to set herself free through her voice

“I had a meaningful experience that I know will have a lasting impact on my life. This course was motivating, inspiring, and empowering in all the right ways. It was a breath of fresh air and truth speaking and simplicity in a sea full of information and spiritual bypassing bullshit/the healing industry. I am so grateful that Emma was trauma informed and an excellent guide. I know I will continue to use my voice, stand in my power, and use writing and the healing tools we learned. I feel entirely more connected to my power and purpose and art and my own soul after this experience.

Thank you Emma. Xx”

— Emily Spiler, Canada

there is nothing more magnetic than a woman connected to her voice and her body and her intuition. 

your voice is your power.

i believe that when women connect to this force within us, the entire fabric of reality shifts. our bodies become softer, our hearts more open, we feel more empowered, resilient, sensual and alive.

our bodies are instruments designed to transform our pain and suffering and dense emotions into beauty, strength, courage, and liberation. our voices are frequencies that hold immense healing power.

your liberation lies within your vocal cords.

it’s time to set yourself and your voice free from the limited stories, lack of confidence, and prisons of your past.

ROAR is for you if…

-you have a deep desire to sing but feel like your voice is “blocked”

-you find yourself dating really talented singers and musicians or artists but know that this is actually you projecting your magic onto everyone else and not claiming it for yourself

-you feel like you “can’t” sing or don’t have a “good” voice but really want to. OR you know you can sing but there is a voice within you that says you “can’t” and it holds you back.

-you sing but want to unlock deeper ranges of your voice. you’re tired of simply “performing,” of trying to “sound good”

-you desire to cultivate a deeper relationship with your body, your power, and your voice

-you want to remember yourself as a powerful, wild fucking animal of a woman. through your voice.

listen. i know what it’s like to feel so utterly disconnected from your own body, to feel numb and void of power. to feel like your voice is shut down and to feel full of shame, heaviness, and depression. i know what it is like to exist in the world as a woman who is scared, timid, untrusting of herself, stuck in fear with her mouth duct. taped. shut.

a wild, beautiful beast trapped in a cage.


i also know what it’s like to become wildly free through liberating my vocal cords. our voices are designed to heal our bodies. to clear our precious vessels of heaviness and false stories so that we become open channels for the grace of God to flow through.

ROAR we sing ourselves to freedom. to our promised land. we will howl our songs of ancient remembrance. we will tone our instruments back to life, back into alignment, back to their rightful place.

on our fucking thrones.

hi, I’m Emma.

i’m a poet - singer/songwriter and grew up in a home that nearly killed off my soul forever. i was taught that using my own voice was so dangerous it would quite literally make the people that were supposed to protect me in this world turn on me like wolves hunting their prey. i was shunned, outcasted and threatened by my beloved family for telling the truth of the abuse in my childhood.

for years those gaping, bloody witch wounds i inherited severely silenced me. i did not sing for 10 years although all I wanted to do as a young girl was perform. i was in bed paralyzed with depression. i was terrified to use my voice in any way shape or form.

the last time i sang publicly before i reclaimed my voice was on my senior night for my highschool basketball team. i was the team captain and wanted to sing the national anthem so i did. i was terribly nervous and cracked so badly on one of the high notes. i didn’t sing in front of anyone again for another 6 years. my shame and embarrassment and lack of connection to my power had me become a total mute.

until slowly, one day at a time, over YEARS, i’ve gotten up over and over again, descended down into my body, felt allll the grief and rage…and my voice came back online and it is more powerful than ever.

so my lifes work, through my poetry and my songs and courses…is to teach women to remember how to ROAR.

working in groups of women is the medicine we all need to remember that our voices, especially in community, are the most powerful healing agents in the world.

remembering this means we have the resiliency to transform anything into gold. we can alchemize any abuse or trauma or suffering. we are more powerful than wars and corruption and abuse and anything that tries to silence us.

this is exactly why I created ROAR. because the world needs our liberated voices now more than ever.

you ready? ❤️

“I was attracted to the course having followed Emma for several years as someone I admire as an artist, musician, and creative. I wanted to work with someone that wholly got and appreciated this part of me, and that understood also the challenges we face in life when not stepping into or expressing our creative potential. Emma facilitates with complete authenticity and presence, which makes for powerful live sessions as she is ready and able to work with whatever arises, to hold space for it, and to present the value of it back to you. She leads by example with vulnerability, courage, and truth-speaking, and as such she gives permission for course participants to do the same. I would highly recommend to anyone looking to reconnect with their creativity while feeling supported, understood, and celebrated in the process.”

-Jane Feighery, Ireland

“To feel Emma's raw love emanating from her throughout this entire experience was so inspiring, her passionate and animated way of sharing and teaching embodied wisdom... it was all utterly magical and I left feeling so encouraged (I still do) to be brave and bold as ever through both her teachings, practices, and living example. I would recommend, you can't go wrong with Emma!!!”

-Regan Keeley, USA

“ROAR called me higher and directed me back to my individual power of greatness. Emma’s energy always gives me a bump of that expansion wild stuff that opens my eyes, awakens my heart, sharpens my senses, gets me grounded into my truth. My power to choose. Saying no. Choosing what is good for me and with her well thought out exercises…they get me more inspired than anything else, more than the best podcasts, movies, videos, classes. This experience is a MUST, and I’ll be attending every one of Emma’s courses that I can.”

-Grace Lee, USA

“This course was a beautiful container of deeeeep healing where I felt safe to express my innermost workings. I loved the fusion of creativity, meditations and somatic practices that Emma guided us through. Emma, thank you for being raw as fuck with us and showing up fully. I have grown to feel much more confident in who I am throughout this course because of the tone that you set. Thank you for holding space for us so gracefully and effortlessly, thank you for truly listening, and thank you for reminding all of us of who the fuck we are.”

Alexa Rose, USA

“My time in this course and Emma’s field rippled out and helped me set clear boundaries and unearth my voice in my work life. It helped me feel stronger in myself and regrow my backbone. It helped me to own and fall back in love with parts of myself. I feel more protected, safe, and unstoppable when it comes to unleashing all that I am, and what a gift to others that is!”

-Sarah Kimberley, UK

here’s what you receive:

-3 Zoom Calls total. 3 weeks of vocal embodiment, alchemy, and reclamation.

call schedule is as follows!!! :)


May 20th, May 27th, and June 3rd from 5pm CST

-recordings will be uploaded to a Google Drive weekly for you and will be accessible up to 3 months after the course ends. if you have to miss the live calls, no worries!! you can still listen to the recordings :)

$697 paid in full or $350 x 2

3 weeks via Zoom. we gather and howl our ancient songs of remembrance. we reclaim our sacred voices. together.

  • the group is limited to 20 women at a time.

  • 2 hours a week

  • this particular program is reserved for humans with a vagina who also identify as women!

  • “I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”

    ― Frank Herbert, Dune

  • no worries, they will be recorded and sent to you!