A 3 month online women’s immersion designed for you to transform your wounds by connecting to the artist within.

Life has been quite hard and heavy for many of us lately. With so much death and destruction and chaos around us, the world has increasingly felt uncertain, scary, and dark.

I know for me, there have been a handful of times in the past few months where I’ve felt like my fire had completely gone out and would never come back. I’ve felt suicidal and ready to wither away into a black hole of nothingness. Recurring pain in my life spiraled me into a deep well of despair, sorrow, and grief. I completely ran out of money and have felt ugly and unseen and have incessantly compared myself to other women on the internet.

I almost allowed myself to stay there…but even in those deepest swells of pain, I was reminded that the fire within me that can never really, truly, go out. It can go dormant, it can feel blocked or extinguished, but that Divine fire to live and create and dance with life is always there. Even when we cannot access it and our pain feels like it has washed it away for good.

There is something within the bones of each of us that is indestructible and immovable…that cannot be tainted or stolen or smeared or destroyed by anything in this world. Not by our trauma, not by others, not by the inner witch in our own psyches.

It is the part of us that is always creating, breathing, shedding… even when we feel like we are dying.

Even when parts of us are dying.

I call this part of us our inner artist.

image from Google / snake shedding it's skin

“In many shamanic societies, if you came to a medicine person complaining of being disheartened, dispirited, or depressed, they would ask one of four questions: "When did you stop dancing? When did you stop singing? When did you stop being enchanted by stories? When did you stop being comforted by the sweet territory of silence?”

Gabrielle Roth

And this inner artist has guided me back to myself time and time again, especially when I have felt like all hope is lost and that I am destined to stay stuck in my suffering forever.

So instead of letting myself wither away and die or smoke myself into oblivion, I’ve become very tender and in tune with the parts of me that are in deep pain and are transforming them into my deepest strengths.

Art and community are the medicines that we all deserve when we are in times of Divine chaos. When we feel like our fire has completely gone out.

Because we need spaces where we can allow ourselves to break wide open, so that we can receive the medicine from our wounds and transform them back into Love instead of staying in our suffering.

It is said that women grow themselves in the darkness. In the underworld is where our power is birthed. We deny ourselves this medicine when we try to “fix” ourselves.

So where do we go when our center falls through? When our hopes have been shattered, when our relationships crumble, when our anxiety and despair feels a bit too intolerable, when our finances suffer…where do we go? What do we do?

How do we be with ourselves in this state?

How do we receive the gifts of the dark?

Well, I believe that gathering together, and creating art together, so that we can learn to be with our suffering in constructive ways and to transform our pain into power AND also shed the shit that is not ours…all the while learning to lick our wounds and to dwell in the wild, rugged sacredness of it all…is what mystics and poets and artists have been doing for thousands of years.

In times of upheaval, the artist knows exactly what to do. She knows exactly how to take her pain and transform it into her power.

And when I say artist, I'm not just talking about poets or painters or musicians, I'm talking about the creative force of nature within us ALL that we really learn to commune with through community.

Because I believe that creative expression, and intentional community, have the ability to completely transform us…not to become perfect or idealized versions of ourselves, but to become more of who we truly are. They are vital healing forces that this world desperately needs more of.

They open us up to the idea that maybe, just maybe, we are already perfect, in all of our brokenness and holy imperfection.

With all of our scars and neuroses and ways we feel so isolated and unworthy and other than…somehow…it is all, we are all,



So I created The Body of Wild Hearts / RECLAMATION EDITION - as 3 month mentorship for women like you who are in a season of being stripped of everything you thought you were, are tired of holding it all together and are dying for a kind of raw vulnerability that guides you back to the truth of who you are.

The Body of Wild Hearts is the ultimate permission slip for you to stop trying to incessantly fix yourself, and instead connect to your inner artist that creates and destroys and births and dies and wildly loves and simply wants to experience ALL of life.

This inner artist was born to transform poison into medicine, and knows exactly how to alchemize her holy and sacred wounds and pain into wisdom, into the source of her greatest power and strength.

This is what she was born to do.

“From the moment I saw Emma expressing her raw vulnerability and truth on her instagram page - I knew deep in my bones that I had to connect with her.

In this space, I was free to remove all of my armor, all of the ways that I falsely protected myself and I came home to the raw truth and beauty of my own unique expression.

Being apart of this experience was a rite of passage for me, a living breathing ceremony of total soul remembrance.

I am forever grateful to Emma and all of the women that I grew with during those 3 months.

True and lasting healing was never meant to be faced alone. The space that Emma curates holds the frequency of ancient divine wisdom and a portal of liberation for the soul.

May these words serve you in your own journey and if they light you up - seek no more, this is the place for you, Welcome!”

-Carina Danielle

This inner artist is not concerned with right and wrong and political correctness and she is damn sure not interested in hiding any longer to appease anyone. She does not let her fear control her or keep her from her destiny, nor does she try to stop her fear. She RIDES it. She DANCES with the chaos of life, she does not try to medicate or meditate it away. She dares to carve her own path.

She doesn’t care who she triggers or who/what has to be sacrificed, she will go all the way in for her expression, for her art, for her one sacred life. She IS the fire. She is willing to be villanized for her truth. She is the one who has the guts to go first and the courage and devotion to go all the way.

And trust me, once you make contact with this force of genius within you…you will never. be. the. same.


Cause the opposite of creative expression is actually…death. Think about it. What’s the opposite of expression? REPRESSION and SUPPRESSION! What do repression and suppression do? Well gee, I don’t know. Could be why we have people fighting stupid wars and committing gun crimes and and all sorts of other kinds of barbaric bullshit…could also be why physical and mental illness are at an all time high but hey, that’s just my opinion and what do I know ;)

Humans need creativity just like we need food and water and when we deny ourselves this birthright we become shells of ourselves, afraid of the world and each other, disconnected from our humanity, terrified of our own power, and prone to create all kinds of chaos and destruction.

We are all magicians, capable of creating pretty fucking rad miracles and making all sorts of dreams come true. The thing is, we are collectively so disconnected from the artist within that instead of wielding our powers to create cool shit and insanely beautiful lives, we have created limitation and separation. Are you tired yet?! I know I was.


I am a poet, singer-songwriter, social boundaries breaker and feel that my “labels” change daily. Mostly, I am a human being with a fierce and tender heart, a true devotee to humanity.

Throughout my childhood and early adult years, I was so depressed and burdened down by the intergenerational family and religious trauma that was passed onto me I literally could not get out of bed. My relationships, creativity, and health suffered immensely. Yet time and time again, my inner artist has quite literally saved my life.

Had it not been for my poetry, my singing and my beloved dancing, I would have most likely died or at the very least ended up severely limited and miserable, probably living in a cave somewhere in the woods learning to speak meerkat and braiding my own leg hair for fun.

Instead, I choose and continue choosing to take my pain and transform it into healing and compassion and love and being the brilliant artist I know I came here to be. Like I said, this is what the artist came here to do.

Having this space is a dream come true. It is an honor to guide other women in healing the relationship they have to their bodies and creativity. Witnessing women tear down the walls of societal, misogynistic shame that has held them back from experiencing the magical, sorcerer, cauldron of green smoke brewing in the back room goddess powers that are innate within every single one of us is one is a path I am devoted to for myself first and foremost, and whoever crosses my path and chooses to work with me, learns to embody that medicine for themselves.

Cause listen, I am not your guru. Nor am I a coach or trauma specialist or your Jesus or Buddha or nor do I want to be.

I am a mirror that reflects back to you the power that already exists within you. You are the medicine that you’ve been looking for.

So dream as wide and as deep as you can with me for a second. Use your brilliant, witchy, erotic, most vibrant and passionate imagination.

-What life do you TRULY want to be living?

-Where are you still hiding? Where are you not LIVING?

-What residual trauma and false beliefs that are too small for the big places you’re headed are you still giving your power away to?

-What unlived dreams inside of your bones and unsung songs inside of your heart gnaw at you day and night?

-How boldly will you dare to love ALL of your life and yourself?

-Who must you be in order to create this life you oh so deeply desire?

All that right there…is exactly what we dare to uncover in Body of Wild Hearts.

For 3 months we gather together weekly and expand ourselves in ways we’ve only dreamed possible…all using the healing powers of poetry, song, dance, and somatic work.

They are the feminine of all feminine medicines and in the Body of Wild Hearts, you will get to know your inner artist and will be forever changed.

Not by me.

But by your willingness to open yourself to this untamed life force that is your birthright to experience. Like I are the medicine in which you seek.

So the question is this. Do you believe you were destined for pure fucking greatness, or not? If you have even the slightest freckle of a yes inside of you…and you want to dare to see what beautiful things lay dormant inside of you that are aching to be expressed…then come with us.


  • “This container absolutely changed my life. When I came to Emma, I was a woman who knew I had power, but I did not believe in myself. From the first meeting, to the last meeting, I am a completely different human….I healed and saw so much healing in BOWH. I’m so grateful I made the decision to do this. When we closed, I truly felt like I stepped into my circle of power and feel confident enough to live out my purpose. I found my gifts through healing with these women. I know who I am, I know why I came here. Emma’s container, the women of BOWH, the support received and the guidance/teachings- all play a huge part in who I am today, and who I am becoming. So much love, for this beautiful group of wild hearts! So much gratitude, for the space Emma created!”

    -Carly Ainsworth

  • “I wouldn’t have traded this experience for anything. I received a level of healing I didn’t know I needed, as I allowed my most inner core self to break open a shell armor I thought was protecting me— but was really holding me back. For some time I struggled with calling myself a creative or an artist but after these 3 months of raw, authentic connection & unraveling, I am deeply connected to my inner essence as a creator of not just art, but of love, life, and reality itself.”

    - Elizabeth Tran

  • “my experience In Body of Wild Hearts brought about a remembrance of why i came back to Earth - to be and embody Love in all things. healing a sisterhood wound with all of these magnificent women doing the work and going through the gritty and having REAL support and honesty was absolutely refreshing. the relationships i’ve grown and the connections i’ve made with these beautiful souls are eternal. i’m so grateful for such a big cracking of the shell into my truest nature, and letting that be enough and big and beautiful.”

    Nicole Gonzalez

What’s in it for you:

  • 12 zoom calls total (1x week)

  • Somatic rituals to support in creating the most resilient and nourished nervous system (dancing, movement, singing, chanting)

  • Embodiment practices to anchor in who you are being and becoming

  • Healing through the art of poetry/spoken word, song, and dance

  • Lots of rituals, mantras, and practices to further support feeling at home in the body

  • COMMUNITY!! With women from all over the world. Placing yourself inside of a nourishing community with similar values is a surefire way to heal and experience a deeper level of safety and belonging

  • Telegram group for communal integration and support

  • Extra individual support from me, Emma, when needed!

  • Just a heads up you’ll probably be so invigorated by this work you’ll want to shave your head and live on a sailboat for a month and then move to Greece and marry someone that will feed you grapes and oil your skin and fan you with a bamboo leaf the size of your head until you die…or build a simple beautiful garden in your yard this summer or love your children or make a pie or paint a mural or make an album cuz that’s all really important and badass too.

All for $2,888.

Payment plans available and are as follows:

$2,888 up front OR $1,000 x 3 :)



The point is this. There is the way of healing that involves going into a cave and journaling and meditating in silence for the rest of your life with a chastity belt on afraid to ever make a mistake or say the wrong thing or fall on your face or get your heartbroken ever again. Avoiding your triggers and your fears like the plague. This isn’t wrong, but damn does that world becomes very… small…and really fucking boring after awhile.

There is also the way of healing that is being an active lover and participant in your one precious daring to risk the entirety of yourself for your dreams, your passions, your art and your bleeding, beautiful heart. By going out to the edge of yourself and riding that baby over and over and over again. This way is dangerous to our egos, to our small mindedness, and to our fears and limitations but man, this feminine path of embodiment and is what our Souls came here for.

So here’s a good ol’ disclaimer: this is not a safe space. Hehe 😉

I mean yes, of course, it’s safe as in it’s trauma informed and a broken heart, a grieving spirit, whatever it is that we are moving through is always welcome here.. and.

This is not a safe space for our limitations, our fraudulent stories, and for the women we once were that sacrificed our authenticity for lovers, acceptance, exes, friends, religion, family .. the list goes on. Get outta here with that shit!

For those places that are not serving you in the what you want to create and how you want to be of big service, this place is dangerous.


Because these 3 months will ask of you to be the biggest, most alive even if you are broken, most authentic even if you are feeling afraid, most radically accepting of all your parts, most tenderly loving and mothering to the threads of you that are hurting and grieving, the most bold and daring and brave and creative and unapologetic and nurturing version of yourself you have ever been.

Because when we choose to see that life is happening for us, not to us, the entire fabric of our reality begins to shift.

Everything becomes an opportunity to remember more of our power, to remember our bodies miraculous ability to heal and create the realities we dream about.

We begin to not feel so burdened or intimidated by our pain and shadow, and use what’s hurt as fuel to create the lives we know deep down we are capable of living…

..and instead of being at the effect of everything around us, being tossed around by our external environment, what others are or aren’t doing and letting the reptilians the the tech overlords and the learned helplessness control our emotional state and thus reality...

we cause the effect.

We become the effect.

That’s when everything changes. Because there is a power innate within you that cannot be controlled, manipulated, coerced, or wavered from it’s center..

.. a force that speaks worlds and dreams and imaginations and fantasies into existence ..

and now, now is the time

to reclaim it.

So for the love of GOD!!! Let’s shine our lights big and bright because if you haven’t noticed…the future of humanity quite literally depends on it.

This is…actually…urgent 🧙

“Come, come, whoever you are.

Wanderer, worshiper, lover of leaving. It doesn’t matter.

Ours is not a caravan of despair.

Come, even if you have broken your vows a thousand times.

Come, yet again, come, come.”


Spots are limited!!! Don’t miss out 😘


  • This group is limited to 10 women at a time.

  • This space is for people who identify as women and who we’re also born women :)

  • The medicine you receive from this course is connected to how much you show up for the calls and actually participate. Just like your life and your art, BOWH will ask you to devote to yourself and your expansion in ways you maybe never have before. We’re all about pushing our edges around here :) So apart from the 2-3 hour Zoom calls, I recommend a few hours a week to devote to the homework along with establishing a daily practice.

  • All calls will be recorded and available to review for 3 months prior to the course ending. You will still receive lots of value if you can’t make it live every time. But, if you have to miss more than 4 of the live calls, I recommend skipping this round.